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Our Objective

Portsmouth TCAG (Transportation and Climate Action Group) is a group of residents committed to sustainable transportation in Portsmouth. TCAG is a subcommittee of Seacoast Climate Action Now (Seacoast CAN). Sustainable transportation provides safe and affordable travel options for all while protecting the environment and supporting a prosperous local economy. 

At 27% the transportation sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), according to the EPA. TCAG is developing ideas for low carbon transportation as input to the new Portsmouth Climate Action Plan (CAP) and researching best practice transportation strategies in CAPs in peer communities around the country.


Strategies & Best Practices

TCAG members developed a summary report and presentation exploring transportation strategies that can contribute to greenhouse gas emission reductions in the 2024 Portsmouth Climate Action Plan and to broader community sustainability.  The report provides a Portsmouth context, peer best practices, and recommendations for the following strategies:

  • Shared Mobility and Public Transit Expansion

  • Bike and Pedestrian Improvements

  • Electric Vehicles

  • Combined Land Use and Transportation Planning

  • Community Engagement

Community Conversation on Transportation and Climate Change #2

December 2024

Portsmouth Climate Action Plan - Next Steps


  • Save the Date: Thursday, December 5, 2024, 6:30-8:00 pm, Levenson Room, Portsmouth Library.

  • Sponsors:  Seacoast Climate Action Now/Portsmouth Climate Action/Transportation and Climate Action Group in partnership with the Portsmouth Library and Portsmouth Sustainability Committee.

  • Speakers:  COAST public transit, Seacoast Area Bike Riders (SABR) and Rockingham Planning Commission

  • Agenda:  Community conversation on next steps to implement the transportation recommendations in the new Portsmouth Climate Action Plan and related co-benefits, including improved access to affordable housing.

Learn Before You Go

Portsmouth's Climate Future
Updates on work being done with the City of Portsmouth Planning Department

Portsmouth Climate Action Plan

Community Conversation on Transportation and Climate Change #1

June 2023

Community Conversation On Transportation, Smart Growth And Climate. June 29, 2023
Download the meeting summary

Portsmouth Smart Growth, Portsmouth Climate Action, and the Transportation and Climate Action Group cosponsored this conversation to discuss how transportation choices are major sources both of greenhouse gas emissions (20-30%) and potential reduction strategies. We addressed the question: Are there smart transportation and land use choices that reduce emissions, for example, by providing attractive and affordable new forms of mobility, make walking and biking safer, encourage electric vehicles, or improve accessibility choices for new development?

This is the first in a series of small and informal Community Conversations organized by Portsmouth grass roots organizations as part of community engagement for the Climate Action Plan (CAP). The conversations will address the urgency of the Climate Crisis through support for developing and implementing the CAP as individuals, neighborhoods, businesses, the city, and Seacoast region.​

Planning Principles

TCAG applies the following principles to develop sustainable transportation strategies and reduce GHG emissions in Portsmouth:

  • Balance Environment, Economy, Equity goals (3 Es)

  • Take a systems approach to transportation to improve:

    • Connectivity among all types of transportation 

    • Performance of the overall multimodal system

  • Shift to modes that reduce Vehicle Trips and Miles Travelled

  • Transition to Electric Vehicles and alternative fuels 

  • Understand and promote transportation co-benefits (affordability, accessibility, health, safety, and livability)

  • Engage the community in developing more sustainable transportation choices



Please contact TCAG for more information or to get involved with the group:"


The second annual Seacoast Sustainability Fair was held on Sunday April 14 from 12- 3 PM at the Connie Bean Center in Portsmouth. This year we were joined by an assortment of local organizations, businesses, and municipal and state organizations working to improve the climate in our region and state. Click through for more pics of the 2024 and 2023 Fairs.


  • Patronize the restaurants participating in the Reusable Seacoast project

  • Patronize the businesses in our Sustainability Resource Directory

  • Sign up for Portsmouth’s BrightAction app, where there are lots of actions you can take.

Bright Action logo
  • Start composting and reduce food waste and waste generally.

  • Shift to biking, walking, ride-sharing, and limit your use of gas vehicles.

  • Sign up for Portsmouth Community Power and choose a higher renewable energy option (and still cheaper) at 

  • Check to see if you qualify for an energy audit and discount home insulation at 


Please join the Climate Action mailing list to receive our newsletter and other climate related announcements.


Seacoast NH Climate Action Now is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization run by volunteers.  Your donation supports the work of our committees, and our access to the Bright Action platform.  


Thanks for submitting!

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